August 11, 2012

Collin was here at 10:21. Watching Tangled!!!

Hey everybody!
   Living in America we sometimes don't realize how blessed we really are until we are out of our normal situations. I am thankful for that now like I've never been before. Thankful for our church loving missionaries enough to send 10 people to help with some projects. Thankful that God allowed me to get to come. Thankful for my family wanting me to come. Today I got to visit my first Catholic service. As I stood in on it all I realized that probably every single person in that building except for the 12 of us were lost. I stood looking around at young and old alike and realizing that they are one heart beat away from an eternity of God's wrath. I think that I have never fought the tears back so hard before in my life about any thing! In that village there was not a Bible believing church. In the Lawrence's town there are 2,600 people and only their church which has about 10 to 20 on a Sunday morning. These people are so unreceptive to any form of the gospel that it is truly heartbreaking. But even if the Germans were responsive to the Gospel, there is such a need for laborers that the important of missions has a new perspective for me. Thank you all again for your prayers. May God do something special in the lives of each one of us on this trip!


  1. I love hearing from all of you. Collin, I appreciated your description of the Catholic church. You won't exactly get that in Carthage. Thrilled for all of you.

  2. Who is that boy who looks like Collin?!?!?
    Obviously it is an imposter because our son would NEVER wear a Bama shirt!!! ;)
    We feel so blessed to be your parents. Your post brought tears to both our eyes.
    Miss you, Puncle!
    Love mom & dad
