Well, I just fished cleaning all the yellow paint
from my fingernails and finally had some time to sit down and write.
First and foremost I would like to say how pleased I am with the
teenagers from Cornerstone. In the last ten days paving stones have been
set, meals were prepared, scaffold was built, walls were painted, sand
was swept, meals were prepared, more paving stones were set, more walls
were painted, more meals prepared...you get the idea. They also passed
out flyers with scripture and an invitation to church in seven villages, I
think we passed out over
2,000. I watched as they ministered to people they had never met, they
sang from the heart, they put others first, and did it all because they
wanted to! If the Lord tarries, I can only imagine what he could do with
this group of young people. I remember my first missions trip, I had no
idea what the Lord had in mind, I had no idea how God would use that
trip to change my life, I had no clue what the future had in store. It
wasn't over night, it took some time. Only looking back can I see he had
a plan and a purpose for me, and that missions trip was only a small
step toward the will of God for my life. I hope that is what this trip
will be to nine young men and women. I hope it will be a part of their
path they will look back on and see the hand of God. Thank you
Cornerstone for making it all possible.
Bro. Heith
II Chron. 15:7
Thanks, Bro. Heith for helping making this trip such a good one for the teens. We have heard story after story of what a great 'counsellor/big brother' you were. All of their wonderful Germany memories will include you. Thanks for taking care of them (or maybe, they took care of YOU?)