May 18, 2017

a matter of time

I have so many things I want to write about, but can never seem to land on a topic long enough to come up with anything. I think it's because I've learned over the past year that a lot of the things that seem to constantly be on my mind also cast a shadow over my spirit and are simply things out of my control that are better pushed to the side of my thoughts. Things that only time will resolve and reveal, and I just need to wait.

I feel like I write too much about the topic of waiting, but that's the season of life I'm in right now. A lot of areas in my life cause me to practice this. Waiting for approval to finish a job, waiting on information to complete a list, waiting for healing, waiting on the Lord...waiting.

Right now there are a couple of things I want to grasp in my hands and fix, to make better, change, or finish. But in these situations, that's completely and entirely impossible. I'm trying to wrap my mind around the fact that it's not that my hands are tied behind my back and I'm completely helpless - because that's exactly how it feels - but it's a matter of faith, of total surrender to the Lord's will and timing. It's trusting Him to finish the job as He sees fit, and in the timing He's ordained.

Faith still doesn't always come natural to me. I'm someone who naturally wants to get things done and take action. It's one of the few things I inherited from my mom - Ladies' Meeting at 6:30? Our dishes are prepared and on a warming tray at 3:00. She calls herself a Martha, and I feel the same way so often. When you're naturally bent in that direction, sitting with empty hands and a troubled heart makes you feel so helpless.

Waiting. I asked my dad about it a few months ago, talked to him about how I knew it was simple enough, but didn't understand why God required so very much of it for some people, why even in it's simplicity it can be so hard. He reminded me that waiting can be another word for serving - like when you're at a restaurant, the job of your waiter is to serve you. Perhaps that's what God wants more of from me, from others - service. Wholeheartedly for Him. It's a lesson in patience, in service, in surrender.

Just a matter of time. I can flip back in the pages of my life and see things that have come to fruition quietly. Things that used to be such a big deal to me, but somewhere over the years they became smaller in my mind until they were resolved, and I didn't even notice. One day I'll look back on today, on the burdens that are so heavy for me, and realize God had a perfect plan. Yes, these burdens truly are bigger, more life-changing, and yet, however badly I resist, they are inevitable. I'll look back and see change and heartache, but I'll also see grace. 

If God can show me grace through the lonely days, through the difficult changes, surely I can be gracious in my service towards Him. It's just a matter of time until He reveals the reasons, shows us the full picture.

A Mendicant of God
I stood a mendicant of God before His royal throne
And begged him for one priceless gift, which I could call my own.
I took the gift from out His hand, but as I would depart
I cried, "But Lord this is a thorn and it has pierced my heart.
This is a strange, a hurtful gift, which Thou hast given me."
He said, "My child, I give good gifts and gave My best to thee."
I took it home and though at first the cruel thorn hurt sore,
As long years passed I learned at last to love it more and more.
I learned He never gives a thorn without this added grace,
He takes the thorn to pin aside the veil which hides His face.

-Martha Snell Nicholson

May 11, 2017

things i love thursday

"God has promised to supply all our needs. What we don't have now we don't need now."

Summer Summer Summer Summer!!!!

Tennessee has come through and delivered the perfect "spring" weather (as far as I'm concerned)! 60° mornings and 85° afternoons. Warm, breezy (is this called "balmy"?) evenings with the scent of honeysuckle wafting around. I can admit that the weather greatly affects my mood.

Last night the teacher I normally help was out of town so I had the class on my own. I read a character story, but since it was fairly short I tacked on an animal story about a pack rat that was discontent. We talked about contentment for awhile, and I really enjoyed listening to their perspective. Contentment has been a thought on my mind for awhile, and last night I decided I really need to spend more time focusing on the people and things I love rather than comparison and impatience.

I don't want to give the impression that I'm a bubbly, lighthearted person because I'm pretty sure if you asked my family, they would tell you I lean towards being more of a pessimist than an optimist! But the past few weeks have been busy, warm, and glorious, and I am thrilled about it. Here are some things I've been loving.

honeysuckle infused sunsets | Dougy kisses | afternoons in the sunshine | cleaning out the pool (y'all ever burnt the inside of your elbow? try not to) | books | "Yard Sale-ing" with my friend | baking | shopping (online and in store! I've turned over a new leaf) | coffee with hazelnut creamer | park picnics & slip-n-side with the kids (I get to hold the water hose and give them an icy spray!) | a new thermos (it made my day, being an adult is so weird) | ice cream cones | churches that feel like a second home-church and an extra family (talking about Ridge Road!) | sleeping babies | Alabama & family reunions - we always come home with chocolate oatmeal cookies from Aunt Julie and almond bark candy from Aunt Pam - it's kind of nice when your dad's the "little brother" of ten people! | home

Are your windows open? Are you getting fresh air? Have you colored a coloring page lately? All of these things lift my perspective so much, I hope you have a chance to experience them soon! Last night one of the last things one of the kids said was, "Miss Kelley, you are so neat, you like coloring with us!" The yellow crayon I was using for the flowers is the same one I would have used to color in my spirit when she told me that. Do something with some children, they make everything a little more colorful!

20 minutes after taking this picture the 3 littles were sacked out! I just love their white hair :)

Have a beautiful weekend, friends!