April 1, 2015


Dear Readers,

Since 2012, I have been sharing bits and pieces of my life via this blog. You know that I love to write, that I love my family, that I'm obsessed with my nephews and niece, and that I love where I'm from.

Most of you are my friends, a lot of you are my family, and the few of you that I don't know very well have always been so kind in your comments. Thank you so much.

These last (almost) three years have been really fun for me! I love writing so much, and sharing what I've written has been wonderful. So many of you are long-distance friends, and I'm so happy to have been able keep you up to date on our small town life here, and the growing of my family and church family.

Thank you for praying for the things I asked you to, for encouraging me to write more, and for sticking with it even when I went so long without posting. But now, the end has come.

After three years, it's time to say goodbye to my little space on the web. Life is busy, and time is very limited, but more than that, I feel like it's just reached it's natural end. I hope you understand.

Thank you for reading along all this time, and I hope we can keep in touch in other ways.

Dear readers, happy April Fool's Day! ;)

P.S. This blog isn't going anywhere!


  1. Oh my goodness! haha you got me!

  2. That's not funny! lol It's sad! :(
    This a good April Fool's joke. I'm not good at pulling off April Fool's jokes. I usually start laughing and give it away! :D

    1. Sorry, Kaitlyn! ;) lol I'm terrible at April Fools - that's why I did mine this way, no one could see my face! :)

  3. Wow! You sure had me. But I am reading it on April 3rd. I was so sad. :( Glad you're not going anywhere!

    1. It still counts as a joke a couple days late! ;) I love blogging too much to quit!

  4. I thought I was going to have to make a trip to someones house. You are a breath of fresh air and your blogs bring me enjoyment. The only way you can stop writing is if God tells you to and since He has given you this calling I don't think He will. He just may change your venue, but you touch too many lives.

    1. Thank you so much, Mrs. Gina! That means so much to me, because my goal is to make this an enjoyable, happy blog (even though it's kind of all over the place!) I definitely won't be ending it or my writing for a very, very long time. Your comment made my day! :)

  5. You had me....I thought you were serious.
    HAHaHa great April Fools Joke ;)
