March 31, 2015

march 2015 recap

spring meeting
Bro. Lee Cadenhead was the guest preacher, and from the worship service Sunday morning to the final message Wednesday night, everything he preached was exactly what we needed. Christ seeks us out. Be available.

As amazing as it was though, for two little boys it appears it went a little long... ;)

The first couple of weeks in March gave a valiant effort to remain frigid. However halfway through, sunny skies prevailed and the temps soared up into the high seventies. We're sloshing around in mud, but these southerners would be willing to plop right down in it on their knees to give thanks for warmth.

Boys and large farm things. We had the boys for five days last week, and this particular picture shows Tanner (3) and a fertilizer spreader that wheeled down our driveway to spend some time in our field. Supper was forgotten as the best thing since sliced bread made it's appearance.

As I get older and remain single, it sometimes feels like everyone and everything but me is changing. In my particular close friends circle, we have added husbands, a boyfriend, a baby girl, and a three hour drive. But when, on those rare occasions, we get "girl time" for a few hours, it's so easy to pick right back up. We never have enough time to fill each other in on our lives, but every little bit counts, and every little bit is some brightness that carries on for days after.

where God is - draw near unto the thick darkness

That's it for my March recap! I hope everyone had a wonderful month, and I'm looking forward to seeing what April holds!

What were some of your favorite moments from March?

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