March 30, 2017


Hello, everyone! I have to confess that I don't have much to say today. I have several drafts of articles a few sentences long each, but lately that's as far as I can get. Maybe soon I'll break past the barrier of writers block, but for now, here's a list of things I'm currently enjoying!

Chocolate chip cookies! They're one of my favorite things to bake because they're so simple and one batch makes a lot of cookies. I made them for the children we take care of during our first or second couples' class, and then the next, and then the next...this past week I walked in and one of them asked if I'd brought the cookies. I wanted so badly to create some kind of tradition - something a little special to look forward to, and that question made my day. One of the ladies who used to watch us when I was little always brought cinnamon graham crackers, and I always looked forward to being in her group! 

back road drives
There are so many back roads in my area that I absolutely love, and there are two in particular that I frequently take time out of my day to drive down. Sometimes on my way home from work on Fridays I pass my house to get gas from the little station down the road. On the way back I don't stay on the highway, but I take a right and wind my way down roads covered with leafy branches, through sprawling fields of tobacco or soy beans, past thriving farms and dilapidated barns and homes. These roads all connect and make their way around the back of our house in a large loop. My windows will all be down and if the music isn't blasting, then I'm enjoying the sound of crunching gravel while I dream of fixing up the old houses and wondering what it was like when the family lived there, children growing up and learning how to farm.

So many houses around here sit empty and begin to decay because the owners (usually children who grew up in them) have moved on but refuse to let anyone else live in them. This particular one is my favorite and has been untouched for many, many years.

One of the wonderful things about working with children is being able to listen to their sweet conversations. I love asking questions and hearing what they come up with to answer. A bridal shower this past Sunday was particularly confusing for a couple of little girls, while a spider in his house was big news for one of the boys. A little boy Lena's age has learned that if he picks on her, he'll get a reaction. From the outside watching, it was so funny to see him do something to irritate her, and her turn around in her little bossy way to get onto him while he just grinned over at us adults. My favorite age to work with are 2/3's, but I solo taught the 8/9's this past Wednesday and had such a good time with it! I don't believe I ever said I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up, but the more opportunities I have to do it, the more I understand why our current teachers have been doing it for 20+ years!

"Kelley! Jace just said a nice thing to me. I asked if I could play with his ball and he said not right now. He told me I can when he's done playing with it with Jackson. He is a nice boy!"
 - Lena Rae last week when I told her to ask nicely after crying about it in my lap for a few minutes

a gift from Jackson
windows open
My morning routine lately has been to turn off my alarm, procrastinate for a few minutes, brush my teeth, open my blinds and windows, and start my devotions. It's been so lovely (on the days it isn't raining) and this morning it was nearly 70 degrees at 8:15! I love it! I also got Whispers of Hope by Beth Moore in the mail to start in April - I'm excited to have an actual devotional to go through again, and I'll have to let you know how I like it! That devotional and Mrs. Kennedy and Me are on my reading lists for April and I'm excited to begin them. I seem to do more reading in the spring and summer than fall and winter, which is a little backwards I think.

One of our favorite things to do as a family is to drive 45 minutes or an hour to a different town and stop at their square. We park and walk down the streets going into the antique stores and finding a little cafe to eat at. My dad browses the tools, books, and art, Amie looks for old white dishes and aprons, my mom searches out crocks, pottery, and unique kitchen gadgets, and I hunt for vintage Pyrex, Tupperware, colanders and anything made of copper. The day either has a break or ends with a meal that usually includes cole slaw on someone's plate, fries on mine, and sweet tea. We don't always leave with packages, but more than anything, it's a chance to inhale a bit of the past and get some dust on our fingers. I was happy with this pitcher that I found last Thursday! I didn't even know Pyrex made them.

It's so hard to believe this week will end with April beginning, but I sure am looking forward to it! It's been quite the week, and I have fun plans for next Monday. I'm ready for some May flowers, so let's bring on the April showers! I hope each of you has a fresh start to the new month! Thanks for always reading. I'll be back in a week or two!

P.S. Since April 1 isn't on a Thursday this year, you don't have to worry about an April Fool's Day prank from me! :)


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