June 29, 2013

Summer Saturday: DIY completed

I crossed off my first bucket list item today!

I made a bulletin board collage for my little corner of the office at church. I'm not a DIY person - they take time and I don't have the patience for them. But this was very simple, and I'm not even sure if it counts as an official DIY project, but I'm counting it because it's going to help me knock off another item on my list, and I can't think of another DIY I have the desire to do.

We already had the bulletin board in my brothers old room, so when I saw my mom refinishing/painting our coffee table, I brought it outside and started in. Very spontaneous of me. ;)

It needed two coats, I was running out of paint, and it was so hot outside that it was drying too fast, becoming tacky, and rolling off the frame. My brush was really bad, so I eventually switched to one of those little sponge things and it worked much better. By this point though, I was already frustrated, so I finished it pretty quickly, cleaned up my mess and threw all of my "tools" away, and left it outside for the next few hours while I cleaned my bathroom. (This is why I don't usually choose DIY projects. ;) )

There will be no close up photos of my paint job!! :)

After dark, around 9:30, I got my pictures out and started putting them on some colorful and patterned construction paper. After this, there is no explaining to do. Just glue, trim, glue, trim.

The photo credit goes to my little sister Amie. She got my face in one of them, but I look 12 years old in it, so I won't be showing that one.

After that step, which took me longer than it would have any other human being on the planet, I sort of arranged them on the board. By "sort of arranged" I mean I just moved them around until they all fit. I didn't have room for one of me and my cousin, which made me a little sad, but I'll just swap it for one of the others in a few weeks. (Oh, by the way, I took out all the old thumb tacks with a butter knife because I couldn't find a flat head screw driver. That was the part that made me feel the most crafty.)

And then I smashed it with mah hammah!! No I didn't, I just stapled them on. I just wanted to say that.

There were about 15 dozen pictures of my hands stapling the pictures down because Amie said she couldn't find the right angle. You can tell this is a stapler and this is me stapling pictures, right? ;)

The finished product!! I love it. I'm still not crazy about doing DIY projects, so I don't want to do another one any time soon, but I like it. It will be on my wall hopefully Monday morning!! (When I finish decorating my corner, pictures will be shared.)

This was one of my least favorite tasks on my bucket list, but I really did enjoy doing it. Much more than I thought I would - especially while painting that frame! But now it's way past time for bed.

Good night to all, and I hope everyone has a beautiful Lord's day!

Summer Bucket List: finish five books by only reading them outside; make homemade donuts; eat fruit every day; start running (again-ish); catch a jar full of lightening bugs with Jace and Jackson; have friends over for a cookout and games; buy a bike; go camping; buy colorful tennis shoes; journal every night; blog once a week; complete a DIY; play whiffle ball and win; take the boys to the park; go on a picnic at Defeated; go to the zoo;  either go to the Hermitage again (ride a carriage this time), or go to Belmont Mansion or Bel Meade Plantation; decorate my corner of the office; get some hydrangeas; help clean up the pool area; make a dress with my mom

June 19, 2013

summer bucket list

finish five books by only reading them outside 
make homemade donuts
eat fruit every day
start running (again-ish)
catch a jar full of lightening bugs with Jace and Jackson
have friends over for a cookout and games
 buy a bike
go camping
buy colorful tennis shoes
journal every night
blog once a week
complete a DIY
play whiffle ball and win
take the boys to the park
go on a picnic at Defeated
go to the zoo
 either go to the Hermitage again (ride a carriage this time),
or go to Belmont Mansion or Bel Meade Plantation
decorate my corner of the office
get some hydrangeas
help clean up the pool area
make a dress with my mom

June 5, 2013

sunny and warm ♥ may recap

Here I am, once again doing my monthly recap and feeling like I should apologize for the lack of blogging that has been going on recently. I've just been enjoying a few weeks of free time, and since my blog isn't something I do to make money - it's just a fun way for me to share my life and keep my "long distance" friends and family informed - I think a few weeks (or almost a month, oops) off here and there are fun. I love blogging though, and I'm hoping I'll get myself around to putting some posts up soon-ish. (I will still do the things I mentioned in my "Boring Blog" post.)

May 1-4 were spent in Alabama at a missions conference at Ridge Road Baptist Church.

May 5 was a family reunion in Alabama. It was decoration day there, and that's where my dad's parents are buried. Every first Sunday in May, that side of the family goes to the cemetery, then to church, then to Uncle Henry and Aunt Misha's house for lunch. There are ten children and many, many cousins. My dad is the youngest of 10. The only pictures we got (the house was packed with people, it was difficult to get pictures that made any sense) were of the ten "kids". The picture of some of the grandchildren was taken last year at a park.

(2013) Ronnie, Billy, Mickey, Henry, Jr., Deanie, Marsha, Pam, Mert, Julie 
May 7 was our annual ladies meeting. I got to decorate for it and had a ton of fun! I didn't take any pictures during the meeting or fellowship, but here are the ones I took before I left to get ready.

This day was also my friend's 20th birthday. I didn't get to see her on the day because she was an hour away at college, but here are some pictures I have of us over the last three years. :) (We've been friends since birth, though :))

And then, there was rest. As far as I can remember, anyway. For a little while we had nothing planned, and we stayed close to home. There were trips to Sonic after church, lunch with friends, but nothing I took any pictures of.

May 24-25 was our annual Girls Only formal! It's usually just for teens, but 2 of us were still in teen class as 20 year olds (finishing out the year) so we were able to go, too! I didn't take any pictures, and I haven't seen all the ones that were taken yet, but I do have this one that's my favorite so far. We ate a fancy dinner, had our pictures taken, changed into pajamas, laughed and "ahhh"-ed our way through Loves Enduring Promise, went to bed, got up and ate breakfast and headed home! It was so much fun! We stayed in this really huge old house that is BEAUTIFUL.

Emily, Bekah, Julie, Kaci, me, Hannah, Sarah, Amy, Jessica, Delanie, Diana, Amie, Hannah, Grace, Lauren

May 26 was a Sunday, and for the evening service the little kids performed the "I Am a Promise" play. This is the third time the Children's Choir in our church has done this play - I was in the first one 8 years ago!! All of them were dressed as a different occupation, and after it was all over, my dad got those of us who had been in the previous plays up there to sing a song with them. It was really special.

2006 - Can you spot me? Up in the top left, beside Kaci. Amie's the chef!
Jace was a cowboy!

Jackson wants to be in Children's Choir so bad! He's going to be old enough this September, and he knows it! :) This is Mrs. Lucinda - the choir director. Even after all these years, all of us "older" ones still kept our eyes trained on her while we were up there. It's the rule! :)

May 27 - Memorial Day!! I hope everyone had a good one, we sure did! :)

May 30 we took a group of teenagers to my grandparent's home where Grandma fed us, and we sat around on the porch and sang. It was a nice, peaceful evening, and I think everyone wants to do it again!! :)

May 31 was Relay for Life, and the youth group sang. My camera died, so this is the only picture I have - we're getting ready to start.

And then it was June . . . wow. June already. This coming up Monday Youth Camp begins, Saturday the 15, Faith is headed to PNG for six months, the last week of June is Jr. Camp and VBS . . . summer and all it's craziness is upon us!

Happy June, everyone!