May 13, 2013

Boring Blog?

Well, I'm slacking with this whole blogging thing! It's been b-u-s-y around here, so I haven't worried about it too much, but now that I have a few weeks with nothing looming ahead except my normal every day schedule, I want to do more on here.

I don't want it to be boring, though!! I have a few ideas of things that would be fun for me to post, but I want your input on whether you would enjoy reading it. This is where I need your help in the comments! I'll give you some of my ideas, and you let me know which you would like to see first. :)

1. House tour.

I was going to do this back at Christmas time because we really go all out decorating our home for the holidays (tricky song title placement there ;)) but with our Missions Conference, annual Open House, traveling, 3 different celebrations, parties and whatnot, I just never got around to it. Before I knew it, we were heading off to the Summit, it was New Year, my birthday came around, and somewhere in the mix the decorations were down and a house tour never made it up. But now we're spring cleaning and our house is looking fresh and pretty again, so would you like to take a tour? Let me know!!

P.S. I know all of the church members following my blog have been in our house millions of times, but you can let me know if it would be a good post or not too!

(This is the only picture I got around to taking at Christmas - my bedroom. :P)

2. My life story up to now.

This one might actually be really boring, but I would have fun writing it. :) I would tell you when I was born, my struggle with asthma (which I've never learned to spell on the first try), when I got saved, my life as a pastor's daughter and all that entails, about my family, where I live, etc. etc.....
We LOVED dressing up! Amie is Balaam's donkey, I was a puppy. :)

 3. A day in my life.

Complete with pictures! Also might be boring. But wouldn't that be fun?? ;) Maybe I'm the only nosy person, but I love reading this stuff from other people!

4. Random little details.

You ask me questions, I answer them. I pick and choose details about my self and put them out there. My weirdest fear, my favorite time to read, blah blah blah... :)

5. A southern meal.

It's nearly summer! I'll choose a meal that involves everything southern, take pictures and share recipes. It might include sun tea, homemade ice cream, fried chicken, and maybe cornbread. I don't know, but I think it would be fun. :)

6. Skin-care routine and favorite products.

Uh-oh, it's getting girly!!!

Please let me know which of these you would like to read first in the comments!! I would have fun doing this, and I hope you will enjoy reading them. :)


  1. I would love reading all of the above! I guess I'm nosey, too! I just like reading about all the things that make someone who they are...the spiritual things and the "regular, every day" things. But if I was voting on a specific order, I would love to read your story/testimony first. :)

    1. I'm working on my story! It's a lot harder to write than I thought it would be, but I'm hoping to have it finished by tonight or tomorrow. :)

  2. I think that they all are good ideas!

    1. Thanks! It might take me a little while to get around to all of them. :)

  3. I would love for you to tell about your big southern meal that will involve my family attending it! ;]lol

    1. haha Definitely! Since Amie, Jacob, and I have all asked for fried chicken several times over the last few months, that is a must! :)

  4. Everything sounds great! I think it would be neat reading about your life:)

  5. All of the above. I really enjoy reading your blog, Kelley.

    1. Thank you, Mrs. Jessica! It's going to be fun writing all of them. :)

  6. Great ideas! I love reading about other people....guess I am nosey as well! :P

    This one blog is doing a challenge in May to post everyday. Though I am not doing them all I like the might too


    1. Oh, I saw that a few weeks ago! It looks like fun, but I don't have time to blog every day. :P I might try to do some of those throughout the year, though! :)

  7. They're all great ideas! I guess what peaks my interest the most would be the house tour and a day in your life. :)

    1. Thank you! My mom said she's not ready for a house tour yet, but a day in my life will probably be next. :)
