December 23, 2016

Christmas to Me

One of my favorite Christmas songs is by a group I really cannot recommend, but it played on Pandora last year and I really liked it. It's called "That's Christmas to Me", and it just reminded me that while there are so many holiday traditions, the special ones are the ones that each family has for themselves.

Christmas can be a bit of a touchy subject in Christian groups. Celebrate or don't celebrate? Tree or no tree? Christmas music or no?

While my family does celebrate Christmas, and we do set up a tree, and I've had my Christmas cd's playing on repeat, I have several friends who don't, and that's ok. We don't try to shove our beliefs on each other, and we respect the differences in opinion.

But do you know what Christmas is to me?

It's not about unwrapping presents, it's about spending the time picking out those perfect gifts that let the other person know you've been listening, that you truly do know them - likes, dislikes, wants, and needs. You heard, and wanted to do something special for those special people. This year, I'm most excited to give my mom her gift. In one way I want her to open it right now, but in another way, I want to put it off as long as possible because once everything's been given, the excitement of anticipation is over.

Anticipation. That's my most favorite part. The weeks leading up to the 25th. For us, it starts on Thanksgiving Day putting up the tree and the lights and all the decorations. In the following weeks we go shopping, we bake, we stay up late watching Christmas movies. I wish it lasted 2 months, if I'm being honest - it goes by way too fast!

Christmas is about family and friends, and spending quality with those you love the most. It's helping others who are maybe a little lonely or have a little less. 

It's telling the story of Christ's birth over and over while Lena Rae moves our nativity magnets where they go. Mary and "Jophus" making the trip to Bethlehem to have baby Jesus, the angel telling the shepherds who were watching their sheep to find the sleeping baby, and the wise men from the east following the star that pointed to Jesus. Then we move it to the other side of the fridge as we tell it again.

It's our quiet Christmas Day (which we spend as Christmas Eve), playing games, eating good food, and ending with "It's a Wonderful Life". I cannot tell you how much I love this movie, I truly look forward to watching it every year and I don't think Christmas would be the same to me without it.  "Remember, no man is a failure who has friends."

cousins! matching was a BIG deal :)

It's making Stromboli with the kids and buying them pajamas to wear while we drive around town with our hot chocolate looking at Christmas lights. They're old enough now to remember and realize that it's an annual tradition, and their excitement makes me even more excited. Just the aunts and our nephews and niece! 

I always try to take some extra time to contemplate (and usually write) about Mary and Joseph and what the birth of Jesus must have been like for them. There's no way to even come close to imagining carrying the maker of your own body inside of that body. To nourish and clothe and raise the One who gave you life. If I had the chance to sit down and talk to Mary and ask her questions and hear her stories, I would never stop listening. I would always want to know more. 

Christmas doesn't have to look the same for everyone - indeed, I hope it doesn't! But I do hope you don't get caught up in the commercialism of it. The stress and worry of trying to get everyone you know a present. My friends and I try to get together for coffee or just a talk, but we made a "no gift" rule several years ago because that's just not what it's all about. 

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you a bit of what Christmas is to me and I hope you have a very merry one. I will be spending it in church with my very large "extended" family! Thank you for reading, and I'll "see" you in 2017.

December 15, 2016


This might be my last post for 2016. It's been a busy month, but the next two weeks are relatively empty, and even though that's (usually) when I post more, I think I want to focus 100% on family time and Christmas baking. 

So far December has been a busy month, and for me, that's made it even happier. I can tend to be a slightly obsessive person, especially when it comes to over thinking, so when I'm busy and focused on something else, that's when I'm happiest. If my brain isn't occupied with things in my control, it's way too occupied with things that are out of my control!

We started the month off with a bang during Missions Conference. I feel like I probably say it every year, but this year was my favorite. It was our 25th Conference, every single missionary was friendly, sweet, and really bared their hearts to us during their presentations. It doesn't always happen that way, but I just fell in love with all of them. The countries represented were New Zealand, Botswana, Papua New Guinea, the Republic of Georgia, Trinidad, and from our own missionaries, Ethiopia, Fiji, Indonesia, and Belize (our missionaries to Australia came last year!) 

As I type this, I'm halfway curled up around the space heater in my office. Monday night of the Conference (it goes Sun.- Wed.), we had a rather big *ahem* leak in the basement where all of our offices are. It didn't affect the meeting in the slightest, but it ruined the flooring in 3 offices and the entire lobby. We're nearly done replacing it all but mine will be last and I've gone from carpet to bare concrete and it's currently 26°! I'm upgrading from carpet to tile and a nice rug though, so I can't complain. :)

Jace turned 8 on the 5th, and I might have been a little tiny bit emotional about it. He's up to my shoulder now, and he's reading chapter books and looks a little snaggle-toothed.

a seven year difference

Lena Rae's best friend, her cousin Sophie, came a couple of nights to the conference. They're 11 months apart in age (Sophie's older) and such happy little girls together. Sophie has six brothers, Lena Rae has four, so they just love being around each other (they've managed to be the girliest of girls despite - actually, because of - being surrounded by boys).
Sophie on the left, LR on the right
To "wrap it up", here's a summary of Christmas parties this month:

Saturday (10th) - my Sunday School class took a trip to Bellbuckle, TN. 

That was a morning/afternoon event, and that night at 5:00 I headed two minutes down the road to help my friends get ready for their Christmas party  - ugly sweaters, gag gifts, and a waffle bar with all kinds of holiday beverages!

of course I had to buy her baby Klay an ugly Christmas sleeper!

Last night in my Wednesday night class (I'm the "helper" for the 8 & 9 year olds), we had a fun party - I provided snacks and made my own favorites, cookies & milk and apple pie apples. No pics because they all have the kids in them, but the teacher had the cutest games and it was a lot of fun!

Friday (16) - my next door neighbor is "hosting" a Christmas party - he's single, so a bunch of the girls in our group are kind of taking over and making a bunch of soup and we're going to just hang out and play games. It's also my parents 38th anniversary! (but they've been together for 40 years. that's a really long time)

Saturday (17) - Christmas at my grandparents! This takes most of the day and is so relaxing and fun. We play white elephant and the little ones get stockings. We eat a big breakfast, then after playing the game have a "snack extravaganza" for lunch - we all bring finger foods and it's chaotic madness but great fun. (4 kids = 17 grandkids =  = 8 great grandkids + a slew of in-laws and a great aunt = lots of people)

Sunday (18) - we have our annual Open House for the members of our church after the evening service. That's a lot of people in our home, but it's a lot of fun! It is slightly overwhelming, but our church family is very sweet and no one really stays overly late so while a lot goes into preparing and it's a little loud, it's also a lot of fun.

Monday (19) - Amie and I will have our "Christmas Party with the Aunts" with the kids. Now THAT'S a lot of fun! Strombolli and pj's and games and a Christmas movie and snacks! 

And THEN we can sleep until Christmas! (just kidding ;) ) We will be having church on Christmas Day, so everyone is coming over on the 26th for our family celebration. I can wait. My favorite part is the build up, the anticipation, the whole atmosphere of this time of year. I hope you've had a lovely December, it truly is a wonderful life!