August 24, 2014

Week End Review | #3

As you know, we dealt with a great loss this past week. Yesterday was the funeral, and it was one of the best that I've ever been to. It was a scorcher all afternoon, so by the time we got home from the cemetery, we were hot, tired, and emotionally spent. Since it's been such a solemn, yet very busy week, I don't have very many pictures to share with you. I didn't take any at the memorial service yesterday, although I would have loved to because of how classy and patriotic it was. A beautiful way to say goodbye to a man who gave so much to his country, family, church, and missionaries. Please pray for the family and church family as we learn that life does go on, but there is a legacy to uphold.

Some of these pictures are simply snapchats I saved at the last minute, and pretty much all of them were taken on my iPad. I hope you enjoy them anyway! :)

When you're little, shouldn't you end at least a few summer days sun drenched and water logged? 

Am I the only one that thinks breakfast food is pretty? Regardless, I think it is, and I take pictures of mine. ;)

We are officially moved into our new kitchen, aka the laundry/sewing room, for the next few weeks!


tear out the back porch
dig footer
pour footer
lay block
build floor & walls
build roof & put shingles on
take out counters, island, & cabinets

August 22, 2014

We will be live streaming the memorial service for Bro. Bob Johnson tomorrow, September 23, at 1:00 CST for those unable to attend. Just click on the link below.

Bob Johnson Memorial

August 19, 2014


A pillar. A soldier. A strong, unfailing piece of our foundation.

Integrity. Honor. Respect. 

A fisherman. A treasurer for 20 years. A retired Leutenant Colonel of the United States Air Force. A patriot.

A husband. A father. A grandfather. A great-grandfather.

Above all else, a Christian. A servant and follower of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Over six feet tall. White hair. Deep, rumbing voice.

Representation of a generation that is slipping away. A generation of serenity, elegance, loyalty, steadfastness.

In my mind, he will always be in his uniform, cocking his head, straining to listen because he lost most of his hearing in Vietman, for which he earned the Purple Heart to add to his many other medals. His fingers will be at his forehead, saluting our flag, standing at attention.

His last days were confusing and painful because of the world we live in and the illnesses it brings, and we prayed for either a great miracle, or his quick passing into blissful eternity. 

And so, in the midst of our grieving, we whisper "thank you".

With his passing, it feels as if we are children, and our parents are sending us off on our own. Without his presence as a picture of how we started and where we came from, we begin a new chapter in our church.

His stories will live on for as long as we have breath to tell them.


"Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee." Deuteronomy 32:7

"Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour." Romans 13:7

• My tribute to Bro. Bob - Lieutenant Colonel Robert E. Johnson.

August 17, 2014

Week End Review | #2

Shopping day with Amie, and we met our brothers for lunch.

Bowling and Baskin Robbins with friends.
We laid on the concrete and "star gazed" when we got home from bowling.
We drove to Antioch Baptist Church's revival - this picture was taken close to 11pm on our way home :)
Friday night/Saturday morning
(it was 4:00am. it felt like night time to me.)
I watched Patrick & Iris get married (live!) in Germany!
My mom's birthday was Thursday, but we celebrated on Saturday.
Jacob's ribs were a HUGE hit!!

Jacob sent us pictures of the rib rub and smoking process every 30 minutes or so. By the time he arrived with them at 4:00, we were quite ready to dig in...we were not disappointed!!! 


tear out the back porch
dig footer
pour footer
lay block
build floor & walls 

August 9, 2014

Week End Review

I thought I would try out a new series on here and see how it goes! Every weekend (either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday) I'll post pictures I've taken during the week. It seemed like good timing since all of our summer activities are over and we've started renovating our kitchen. It will help me keep track of the progress and keep everyone else updated! We'll see how it goes! :)

Sunday, August 3, one of my best friends had her first baby - little Amelia Kate! Because of the whole living in different states thing I haven't been able to meet her yet, but I can't wait to!! Just look at that adorable little girl!

As for the rest of the week...

laundry and breaking beans on a quiet afternoon

My mom did all the canning, not me!
Gnawing on an apple core feels good on teething gums!
I did, did you? :)


tear out the back porch
dig footer 
(I don't even know what's next!)

See you next week, dear readers! Happy August!

August 2, 2014

Life is Good

“Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.”

Don’t you just love the quiet? The silence at the end of the day when you fall asleep deep in reflections. Whether you’re falling over in exhaustion or you’ve cried yourself to sleep or you’re not feeling well or you drift off with a smile on your face…don’t forget to count the things that were good in your day.

Tonight, I sit here in quiet reflection, and my heart is satisfied.

I wish I could put this feeling into words, but they just aren’t coming to me. I don’t know if it can be explained. I am content.

I have had heartbreaks, I have felt the pain of my friends and families heartbreaks.  I have been lonely and alone. I understand confusion and hurt. But I am satisfied.

I am me. I have grown and I am growing. I am not content to stay forever the same, but I am also ok with being myself. Having my own convictions and understanding those with differing ones. I know I can be steady and I know I can be happy. And I am. I am very happy.

I love. Yes, I am also loved, but I love. It is not enough to always take, it is wonderful to also give. There are so many people I love with all my heart. Some of them will never know it but it doesn’t matter. Because I love, I pray, and I feel united because those I love are praying too.

I don’t know who all reads this. I know some of you don’t know me and have never met me.

Above all, I am born again. Above all, I know and have a relationship with the One who created me to be all things to the best of my ability for His pleasure. Above all, I am His and He is mine. Forever. Eternally.

Tonight, I rest under the shadow of His wings. He is my rock and my fortress. I am happy and content. I want to share my happiness and spread it to everyone I know, and because of this, I write…because that’s what I do and that’s how I handle my “feelings”.  Peace. That’s what it is, and it’s taken me this many words to figure it out.

I am peaceful tonight. Happy. Content. Peaceful.

My heart is satisfied.