February 26, 2013

LOVE ♥ february recap

February is ending on a very lovely note. I'm going to post pictures from as far back as the beginning of the month. I know it's only the 26th, but as far as I know, we have nothing planned planned for the next two days. The only event that I don't have pictures of is my friend's wedding that took place last Friday evening, but they're still on their honeymoon and as soon as she shares them with me, I'll share them with you. :)

February 5 was my dad's birthday - 53 years old!
Daddy directs the birthday song and the boys think it's the best thing since sliced bread, and we're not big fans of cake so we do Oreo Dessert (like ice cream)  for our birthday desserts. :)

 February 8 - 9 the C-Stone Cadets were involved in their very first tournament and took home the championship trophy - yay for C-Stone!

February 12 was our annual Sweetheart Banquet at church, and some teens and I stayed in the nursery and took care of all the children. We had 42 kids aged 12 and under!

February 14 was, of course, Valentine's Day! :) Daddy was out of town, so me, Amie, and Mama babysat the boys while Jacob and Christine went out to eat. We made cards and played with paint!
Jackson and A

Me and Jace
Jackson, Jace, and Tanner showing off the Valentine's they made.
MaMaw and Jace

February 15 was exactly one week until Hannah's wedding. She and Faith came over for pizza (the greasy kind and the fruit kind) and we hung out in the lame grown up way where you go home and sleep in your own bed at bedtime.
Faith, Hannah, me

 February 18 was President's Day and the youth group met at the church for pizza...and an inflatable, which I only got in once.
Julie, Delanie, Hannah, Bro. Jim, Sarah, Drew, Collin, Diana, and me

February 20 my aunt and uncle welcomed a little baby girl into the world. The seventh child, she has six big brothers. This was a very big deal for our family - she's the first granddaughter since Amie, and Amie's 18! There are also 3 great-grandson's, one great-granddaughter, and another great-grandson on the way. Little girls are scarce in our family, and we can't get enough of this one!

Miss Sophie Lachole
February 22 was Hannah and Jacob's wedding. He's from Kentucky, so they're going to be living there. I'm going to miss her like crazy, but the wedding was beautiful and I can't help but be beyond happy for her. I'll go ahead and link her blog in case you want to keep up with them. She's an amazing photographer, so I'm sure she'll eventually have several pictures up. Her blog is "Our Happily Ever After."

February 24 was my PawPaw's 81st birthday. We drove over to their house for lunch after church on Sunday and celebrated with him. Here's a picture of PawPaw and his granddaughters minus Rachel who couldn't make it in.
Amie, Jordan, Bethany, me, PawPaw and Sophie in the chair

There was my lovely February, I hope yours was wonderful as well! Who else is ready for spring?!

February 16, 2013

A Chimney Fire and I Lose My Mental Capabilities

What an interesting Saturday! About an hour ago firetrucks and firemen pulled out of our driveway. We just finished vacuuming and wiping up soot, the windows are open, Mama's calling all our family, Amie's making lunch, and I'm informing the world.

Sitting in the rocker by the wood stove, starting the second chapter of  new book, I looked out the window and it was snowing! When it snows around here, you have to make sure and let everyone know. Thank goodness for that, because I didn't notice all the smoke that my mom and Amie did.

Mama went outside to inspect the chimney and she said black smoke was pouring out the top. When she opened the stove door, the smoke that came into the living room had a very strange smell, but the fire was so small. When she thumped the pipes a few times, we could hear some popping and it sounded like something falling inside the chimney, but we've heard it before - other times it's always been just the wind.

Any other Saturday, Daddy would have been in the next room getting his sermon ready, or outside doing whatever it is he does outside. But this Saturday, he's in Kentucky preaching a meeting.

Because it was 1:30, Mama didn't want to call Jacob and wake up the boys. Sickness has hit the whole family, and everyone's wiped out. She came back in the room a few minutes later and said "I went ahead and called them, Christine went out to get him. I hope I didn't wake anyone up!"

The next think I knew, the huge black Dodge was in the front yard, and Jacob's running in telling us to get salt to throw on the fire (sometimes, on a larger fire, water will just fuel the flames) and yanking the pipes out of the wall. He'd seen the smoke from the road, and apparently it was coming out of some of the cracks in the chimney, as well.

When you hear your big brother, of whom you still have the mindset can do anything, yell "Call 911!" you will panic. Thought you should know.

Mama called them, Amie found Jacob some gloves and a ladder, I got a pillow to stick in the thimble (that's what they call the hole in the wall the stove pipes go in) and then I ran around the house. (That's what it felt like.)

Jacob got on the roof with the water hose and began pouring water down the chimney, Mama and I started moving boxes and clothes away from the outside wall in the upstairs storage closet.

I ran downstairs because I was shaking so bad I lost all of my barely-there-anyway strength and was getting in Mama's way. As I came into the living room, the pillow was falling out of the thimble in flames. I caught it midair, and stared at it as I screamed. I discovered that when Daddy's not home, the first thing out of my mouth is "JAAAACOOOOB!!!!! JAAAACOOOOB! MAMA! JACOB!" Mama thought Jacob had fallen off the roof, I thought he had fallen off the face of the earth.

Mama took the pillow outside and put out the fire, put a lid over the hole, put the pillow on top of the lid, and stood there breathing smoke while I tried to get away from it. My lungs + smoke = not much good.

I ran outside and saw Amie standing at the bottom of the chimney, and I didn't think much about that. I ran all the way around the outside of the house, halfway down to  the barn, back inside and around the house, back outside and realized Amie was helping Jacob, who was on the roof with the water hose. I was pretty sure he'd left us alone. Next time, I'll think to look up.

I heard the sirens coming and ran inside to answer the phone, which was Christine, and I don't even think I said "hello?" As soon as those trucks pulled up and the men got out, it was like "snap!" we all relaxed. Jacob already had the fire out, and they brought their tools up to him and cleaned it out, came inside and opened some doors and windows and used their fan thing to clear out some of the smoke.

I am SO thankful Jacob lives less than two minutes away. I am SO thankful for the few little flurries we had this afternoon. I am SO thankful no one got hurt. At all. There was NO damage to the inside of our home. I am SO thankful for our great God, who, for some reason, chooses to show us just how much He loves and cares for us. In the most unique, seemingly random ways and times, He lets us know He's there. He's watching, and He's got it covered.

Jacob, Mama, and Amie, when faced with danger, know what do to and can keep their heads. I, when faced with danger, know what to do, and lose my head. This was a very serious and potentially dangerous situation. I'm so thankful we're all ok.

You always wonder how you'll react in situations like these, and I forgot how to think! I'll have to work on that.

And there was our Saturday. I bet it was more exciting than yours! ;)

P.S. I am also very thankful that our tiny little speck-on-the-map community has a volunteer fire station, and that there are volunteer firefighters. What a wonderful thing! One of the men was someone my mom had taught in school back in the day. :)

February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day ♥

 aka "Single Awareness Day". ;) I'm not one of those people who hates this holiday because I'm single, I don't mope around and act like my world is terrible, I usually just act sarcastic about it and joke with my single friends. That said, I don't exactly love Valentine' Day yet, either. I can celebrate it with my family/friends, and apply the love to them, but to be honest, Valentine's Day is advertised as a holiday for couples, and I'm ok with that. My day will come!

Sometimes, it's not the most fun thing to do, wait. I can't say it's not easy, because really, what's to waiting? You just go on with your life and you hope someone shows up (sooner rather than later, if we're honest). It's not FUN, but it's not HARD. 

One of my favorite quotes recently has been "If you're not happy single, you won't be happy taken. Happiness comes from within, not from men."

There are so many girls and boys who search for someone to date. My dad calls it "shopping", and that's pretty much what it is. They go from boyfriend to girlfriend, through breakups, to love, and all over again because their definition of love is warped. Love is one of the greatest gifts God gave us. I personally don't think a 14 year old girl really knows if she's "in love" with a 15 year old boy. Love, true love, is a mature emotion that grows and deepens with time. That's why I'm ok with waiting. When the time comes for me to be in love, I want it to be real, and I don't want anyone to have to question or wonder at the depth of that love.

I once had a Sunday School teacher use the illustration of a paper heart. He described dating around like this: When you meet and "fall in love" with someone, you're giving them a piece of your heart. He tore off a little piece of the paper and threw it away. What if that relationship doesn't work out? Your heart is no longer whole. You meet someone else, the same thing all over again. Another little piece of your heart, thrown away. The more times this happens, the more of your heart that's gone. Then one day, finally, you meet The One. You fall in love - real love - and you get engaged. On your wedding day, you officially give him/her your heart. But it isn't whole. There's only a small part of what once was. 

Someday, I will give my whole heart to someone. There will be no missing pieces, just one strong, beating heart, ready to be placed in the hands of a man I love and trust.

For the girls that read my blog, I have a list of books that have helped/encouraged me. I might not agree with every single little thing in every single one in them, but for the most part, they're very good books. I would love it if you would get one/all of them, read them, and let me know what you think. I LOVE talking about books!

Lady in Waiting: Becoming God's Best While Waiting for Mr. Right  by Jackie Kendall and Debby Jones

For Young Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn and Lisa A. Rice
This book isn't as much about being single as it is practical advice for unmarried girls. Pretty much a lot of stuff that my dad has been telling me for years, this book just put it all in perspective. It's full of surveys and questions they asked a bunch of guys, and you'd be surprised at how helpful it is!

Preparing to be a Helpmeet by Debi Pearl
You may have heard of her book "Created to be a Helpmeet". This book is for younger, newlywed or unmarried girls.

Praying for your Future Husband: Preparing You Heart for His by Robin Jones Gunn and Tricia Goyer
I'm going to go ahead and say that this one is my favorite, and yes, it probably has something to do with the fact that Robin Jones Gunn is one of my all-time favorite authors. This is an amazing book that teaches us how to pray for our future husbands, what to pray, and why we should be praying it.

I hope this blog entry wasn't too weird! I'm beginning to think I fail at blogging (it's been 10 days since my last post!) but I had a few minutes during work this morning and this was the result. This is me, and I'm always nervous putting stuff like this out there, but this time I really wanted to. I hope everyone - single or not - has a FANTASTIC Valentine's Day! I'll be spending my evening with three little boys, how are you celebrating?

February 4, 2013

Chocolate Toffee Saltine Candy

I made something in the kitchen tonight! Since I've been completely out of ideas for blogging recently, I thought I would share this recipe. It's realllyyy good! :)

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Here's what you will need:

2. Line your cookie sheet with aluminum foil and begin heating the butter and sugar in the saucepan. Line the cookie sheet with the crackers, making them touch and getting them as close together as you can.

2. Take a moment to look at the heart you drew on your ring finger, eat some candy, and feel festive about Valentine's Day. (keep stirring the butter and sugar occasionally)

3. When the butter/sugar mixture has come to a boil and is foamy all the way through, spoon over crackers. Do this quickly before it hardens, and make sure you completely cover all the crackers. (Don't worry if the crackers slide around and get out of place, mine did.) Place in the oven for 5-6 minutes or until it starts bubbling.

4. Crush your heath bar.
5. Pull the crackers out of the oven and quickly, while it's hot, put the chocolate and peanut butter chips on top. Do this quickly to use the heat to melt the chips. Begin spreading the chocolate as it melts.

5. Sprinkle the heath pieces beautifully on the top. Put it in the refrigerator for at least 45 minutes or until the chocolate hardens.

6. Take it out of the fridge, break into pieces, and Viola! Yummers! This is really good! I hope you try it, if you do let me know and tell me how you like it! :)